I’m trying to decide which seems the youngest when you say it?? A year and a half? 18 months? or 547 days? I’m thinking 18 months, so happy 18 months to two precious boys today! I really can’t believe it’s gone by this fast & they are doing so much lately.
They are saying new words like bye bye, hi, ball, dog, bath, etc.. And they are understanding way more than they are saying which is fun to see. Our latest is “Go throw this in the trash” or “go get your shoes”, & they do it! It’s fun to see how much they have changed since day 1. From all those tubes connected & feeding every 3 hours, to them now running through the house & eating 3 normal meals a day is absolutely amazing to me. And I must add that our picky little Landon has turned into quite the eater these days. He’s eating everything in sight & his latest favs are fish, raisins, & sweet potatoes. Ha!
With this ripe old age of 18 months, comes a few fits & full out temper tantrums. We tend to see more from Huddie, but ignoring them & walking away seems to help. It’s just the end of the world when we don’t get our way, isn’t it? ;) They also think it’s fun to open doors, so we’ve had to lock all outside doors.
Needless to say, these have been the greatest 18 months & I cherish each day with these boys. We love watching them learn, grow, & develop into little boys.
Christmas 2016
8 years ago